joi, 6 ianuarie 2011

Help the University and you will be rewarded

     The University of Medicine and Pharmacy of Targu Mures in a time of economic crisis developed a new sistem of helping the students that have financial obligations to the university, thus 32 jobs will be available for students in diferent fields. Students that will help out the university will recive a deduction of  tuition acording to the rules you can find here
    The job offers can be found here.
    To apply for one of these hobs you must submit an application to the dean's office and a letter of motivation for the job, in which you must state why you are most suited for this job. The aplication must contain a which job/ jobs you choose in order of your preference . The period for submitting the documents mentioned above is 7 to 14 January 2011.
    Thanks in advance for your seriousity!

Great Offer!!

Before the session, because you’re stressed, the guys from the TACO Paintball came with a great offer.

With only 30 lei, if you are a student, you can let off some steam. Get youre friends together  and go to a game of paintball. The offer is valid ONLY if you have the student card. Click here for details!